Why is the Optos Retinal Exam part of a routine eye exam?
Many eye problems can develop without you knowing. You may not even notice any change in your sight. But, diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, and other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be seen with a thorough exam of the retina. Our doctors believe that viewing the retina to assess ocular and general health is so crucial that as the standard of care in our practice, our doctors want a digital retinal image taken at every annual visit.
An Optomap Retinal Exam provides:
A scan to show a healthy eye or detect disease.
A view of the retina, giving your doctor a more detailed view than he/she can get by other means.
The opportunity for you to view and discuss the optomap image of your eye with your doctor at the time of your exam.
A permanent record for your file, which allows us to view your images each year to look for changes.
Can you explain what the Optos Retinal Exam is?
Optos imaging is fast, painless and comfortable. Nothing touches your eye at any time. It is suitable for the whole family. To have the scan, you simply look into the device one eye at a time (like looking through a keyhole) and you will see a comfortable flash of light to let you know the image of your retina has been taken. Under normal circumstances, dilation drops might not even be necessary after having an Optos scan taken, but your doctor will decide if your pupils need to be dilated depending on your conditions and exam findings.
Is it better to be dilated or to have the Optos Retinal Exam?
Both tests give the doctor the ability to detect vision threatening eye conditions, but for routine examination, Optos is preferred in our practice due to its lack of side effects such as blurry vision and light sensitivity. A dilated eye exam still may be recommended depending on the results of the imaging or your case history.
Why doesn’t my insurance cover the Optos Retinal Exam in full?
The Optomap Retinal Exam uses state of the art technology not available at most offices, therefore most insurances cover a large portion of the cost but not the entire cost.
Do you have any examples of conditions detected by an Optos Retinal Exam in your office?
Click here to see examples of conditions detected with Optos imaging on patients that presented to our office for annual eye exams.
My child is very young and healthy. Is it really necessary to check the retina at this age?
Yes. Many eye diseases have no symptoms, but they can be detected in children using the Optos retinal scan. Having a baseline scan at a young age is very valuable for future exams to compare findings each year. Traditional examination techniques require more cooperation from the patient for the doctor to view the entire retina than Optos imaging, and many children find Optos imaging much less challenging to cooperate with.
I just had an Optos Retinal Exam last year. Do I need it again this year?
Yes. One of the biggest benefits of the Optos retinal scan is that the doctors will have an image of your eye and can reference the image yearly, and compare to future year scans. Your doctors recommend the Optos retinal scan to be taken each year so that comparisons can be made to previous scans and to detect changes that may occur from year to year. A Clarifye Digital Eye Exam is not considered complete without an Optos retinal scan.
How often do I need to get an eye exam?
Our doctors recommend a comprehensive eye examination on an annual basis for all patients.
How long is my prescription valid for?
Contact lens prescriptions expire after 1 year in New Jersey; glasses prescriptions expire after 2 years.
If I have a red, painful eye can I be seen at your office?
Yes! Our optometrists are medically trained and are able to diagnose and treat eye diseases and eye injuries.
Can I order contact lenses at your office?
Yes! Most contact lens orders at our office are also eligible for free shipping. We offer competitive pricing on all contacts and many are priced at/or below leading online and retail competitors.
What is the youngest age you see patients in your office?
We see patients of all ages starting from 7 years and older in our office.
What is the difference between vision and medical insurance?
Vision insurance only covers routine eye exams but it does not cover the treatment of medical conditions such as dry eye or glaucoma. We like to gather each patient's vision and medical insurance information so that we can make sure your visit is covered whether your reason for coming in is medical or vision related.