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  • Please be aware of what your insurance is and what the coverage entails. Medical eye visits and routine vision exams are different and are often covered under different insurance plans which cannot be used together at the same visit.  We try to do our best to find your insurances and get an authorization prior to your exam.  However, there are times when we cannot determine coverage due to factors that are beyond our control.  You are expected to pay for your visit in full if your coverage cannot be verified prior to services being rendered. 

  • Please keep in mind that your insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company.  Therefore, any copays, deductibles or co-insurances that may apply to your plan cannot be waived by our office.  Verification of your benefits is not a guarantee of payment.  You will be billed for any services and materials that your insurance does not cover and you are ultimately responsible for the balance on the bill.



Payments and Refunds


  • Payment for all services and copays is expected in full at the time of your visit.

  • Professional fees are non-refundable after services have been rendered

  • A $20 processing fee will be charged on all returned checks



No-Show Policy


We understand that there are times when you must miss an appointment due to emergencies or obligations for work or family. However, when you do not call to cancel or reschedule an appointment, you may be preventing another patient from being seen at that time.  


  • A $50 fee may be assessed for missing a scheduled appointment without contacting us to cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours in advance.

  • PLEASE NOTE: Insurances do not cover no-show fees. Therefore, the patient will be responsible for payment of the fee(s) prior to being seen for their next appointment.


Late Arriving Patient Policy


  • Patients arriving late by 10 minutes or more will no longer be guaranteed that appointment slot.  Every effort will be made for you to be seen, at the earliest the schedule allows, but you may be required to schedule to a later date if there is no more availability for that day.

  • Patients arriving late by 10 minutes or more must reschedule their appointment for a later time or date and are considered a No-Show.  They will be subject to the No-Show Policy and $50 fee.  



Contact Lenses


  • Contact lens prescriptions are only valid for one year in the state of New Jersey.  The standard of care is to perform yearly contact lens evaluations to assess eye health and ensure appropriate lens fit.  Your insurance company may or may not cover contact lens evaluations.  Additional professional fees will apply in addition to the annual routine exam fee, and vary depending on lens type and fit.  Included in the evaluation fee is the contact lens evaluation, a complementary pair of diagnostic contact lenses, a solution kit and any contact lens follow-up care that is required within one month of the date of your contact lens evaluation.

  • Patients have up to 90 days from the date of their initial exam to return for a contact lens evaluation.  However, after the 90 day period, a new full examination will be required,  as vision and ocular health can often change quickly.

  • Patients are responsible for making sure they follow the doctor's recommended follow-up schedule for any contact lens evaluations and fittings. 

  • You can return unopened, non expired and unaltered contact lens boxes in resealable condition if bought from us for exchange only.

  • We do not take any responsibility for any contact lenses purchased outside of our office.




Prescription Re-Checks


  • Vision is complex and oftentimes adjustment to new prescription can vary from patient to patient.  If you are unhappy with your new glasses or contact lens prescription, you have up to thirty (30) days from the date of your examination to come in for a complementary recheck. 

  • After the thirty day period ends, there will be a $30 fee for any additional rechecks. If you return for any rechecks after 90 days, a new full examination will be required.

Springfield, NJ

55 Route 22 East


Tel: (973) 376-5555

Fax: (908) 737-9616


Located inside LensCrafters On Route 22 East
Have you visited us recently and want to let us know how we did?  Please click this button to submit a review to our Google business page.
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